The Postpartum Emotional Resilience Series
For New Moms and Babes
Next Series Begins: May 6, 2025
New Mammas: Please join us for this 6-week deep dive into mental and emotional health, in the first few years after having a baby. This series is designed to educate and empower new Mothers, and to build resilience through the inevitable postpartum challenges.
New Motherhood can feel isolating in the midst of postpartum healing & recovery, sleep deprivation, fussy babies, feeding challenges, etc! This is a come-as-you-are group, where you can be safe to share your ups & downs without judgement. Please bring your little one along, and join our circle of intentional community connections!
We look forward to exploring a different topic each week, and sharing a wide variety of ways to stay as well as possible after having a baby. Practice regulation techniques, to support your postpartum body and mind. Learn strategies to help you to keep your head above water, even on the hardest of days. And develop meditation and breath awareness techniques, that you can share with your little ones as they grow.
Find Connection
Connect with your little one, while building connections with a community of new Mothers. New Motherhood can be isolating, which is difficult for mental health, on top of postpartum healing & recovery, sleep deprivation, fussy babies, feeding challenges, etc! This is a come-as-you-are group, where you can feel safe to share your ups & downs without judgement.
Practice Riding the Waves
Practice regulation techniques, to support your body and mind through the postpartum period. Learn strategies to help you to keep your head above water, even on the hardest of days. And develop meditation and breath awareness techniques, that you can share with your little ones as they grow.
Discuss Topics Like Managing Expectations, Body Image/Body Love, Releasing Trauma, Etc!
Discuss a different topic each week, and learn ways to support yourself through the inevitable challenges. For example the unique role of trauma in the postpartum period, and how it may impact mental health. Practice methods that will help you to process trauma, and to release stress from your body.